What we do, how we do it, and why.


Our Mission is…

...to create a tight-knit community of incredible entrepreneurs, bonded by peak experiences and epic adventures in spectacular, remote locations around the world, with a focus on true, authentic connection instead of ‘networking’, and ongoing connection and community before and after every event.

By creating a space for connection and immersing ourselves in other cultures and worldviews, we help our clan discover more fulfilment and joy and connection in their lives; these positive effects then spin off to the hundreds and thousands of people they employ and the millions of customers they reach.

(And we help you cross off your bucket list at the same time.)

We help…

…ambitious entrepreneurs with a hunger for true adventure and an ongoing quest for a rich, fulfilled and meaningful life that includes, but goes well beyond, financial success.

The Secret Sauce

Our Adventures and Retreats are so much more than a trip or a travel experience or an adventure. They are all of that, but it is also the start of a lifelong journey: one into connection, community, self-exploration and growth.

  • Connection to an incredible and supportive community of entrepreneurs

  • Perspective and mindset shifts via the Wayfinders process

  • Deep clarity on your life and how to live it in full alignment and authenticity

  • Ongoing support before, during and after the event to help you live your most authentic life.

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The Wayfinders Model - the 3 Cs

Here’s how we do it:

Community: We’ll connect you with an incredible community of growth-minded, big-hearted and humble entrepreneurs.

Challenge: Once your boundaries are stretched, they’re stretched forever and you learn what you’re truly capable of.

Culture: You’ll immerse deeply with ancient cultures and wisdom, and take home valuable lessons and perspective shifts.

What you get is Deep Connection: to yourself, to a community, to the world, and to your truth and full alignment.


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Who’s in the Clan?

 Our participants are not only incredible entrepreneurs, they’re also amazing, generous, and down-to-earth human beings.

Some of the people who attend Wayfinders events include:

Our Criteria…

To join a Wayfinders experience you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must be an established entrepreneur (5 years+), or have recently exited a company

  • You have a hunger for real adventure and a thirst for new experiences

  • You go ‘all in’ and don’t half-ass things

  • You regularly embrace the unknown and take risks (but mitigate risk with careful planning)

  • You understand that true connection never happens without vulnerability and authenticity

  • Even though (or because) you’ve achieved a degree of financial success, you know that financial success is just one small part of a larger ‘success’ puzzle and are committed to exploring what it means to live a full and meaningful life

  • Your ego is in check and you regularly practice humility and generosity



 Our Guiding Principles

  • We Go Farther Together (community is everything)

  • Practice Radical Generosity (give deeply without expectation of reward)

  • Embrace The Unknown (take risks!)

  • Be Yourself (drop the mask)

  • Have Fun And Be Ridiculous (or downright weird)

We Believe…

…in unbridled optimism and seeing the world as it might be rather than what it is

…in challenge and difficulty as a route to growth

…in asking big questions and seeking big answers

…in entering the wilderness without knowing the outcome

…in taming our egos rather than allowing them to control us

…that belonging is a core human need and that everyone needs a place to belong

…that life is too important to be taken seriously

…that we develop resilience through hardship

…that resilience is the key to achieving a full and meaningful life

…that nothing great is achieved without risk



How is a Wayfinders experience different?

After attending dozens of entrepreneurial events in 2016 and 2017, I (Mike) always came home with a notebook full of notes that I rarely acted on and a few dozen so-so connections with other entrepreneurs.

Don’t get me wrong… I truly enjoyed many of these events, and learned a ton and met some amazing people. I still attend a handful of them because they’re amazing.

But I attended these events because I wanted to forge connections and friendships with other people who were on the same path as me, and the conference-room-workshops-and-speakers format didn’t really feel like the best format for that (plus for me, after 2 days in conference rooms I want to blow my brains out).

With 22+ years of experience in the adventure travel industry (leading the “#1 mountain bike tour company on Earth”, which I recently exited), I knew from experience that getting people outdoors and into the wilderness and facing challenges together was an incredible recipe for creating bonds and lasting friendships.

From that seed, Wayfinders (formerly Mastermind Adventures) was born.

Although the format keeps evolving, these are a few of the things that will always make up a Wayfinders event:

Remote Bucket-List Destinations

Our events take place in some of the most remote and stunning places on Earth: places like the La Confluencia Lodge in Patagonia; Matava Resort on Kadavu Island in Fiji; Zhiwaling Ascent in Bhutan; Nkuringo Bwindi Gorilla Lodge in Uganda; Tambopata Research Centre in the Amazon; Ilimanaq Lodge in Greenland.

It’s a commitment to get to our events, but that commitment is then reflected in how people show up and commit to the event itself.

Intense Immersion Into Local Cultures

We believe that other cultures have something valuable to teach us.

At every Wayfinders event, we immerse ourselves deeply in the local culture - whether it’s meditating with and learning about Buddhism from monks at a remote monastery in Bhutan or a potluck and kava ceremony with a remote Fijian village - in order to learn about other ways of being and seeing the world. Each of these interactions has the power to transform us and shape our lives for the better if we remain open to what these cultures have to offer us.

Small Groups

Our events range from 20 to 25 people, a size that allows for intimate connections to develop. You’ll come home with deep, lasting connections to a dozen or more people rather than shallow connections to a hundred.

A Heavy Dose of Adventure

Although there are exercises, forums, and talks, all designed to provide as much value as possible to participants, a significant portion of our time is spent outside and in the wilderness, taking part in group adventures that challenge us and connect us together.

Amazing People

Everyone who attends a Wayfinders event is either invited by me (Mike), referred by alumni, or has undergone a screening process.

What you’ll get when you join an event
(and the Wayfinders community)

  • An incredible bucket-list adventure in a spectacular destination, with every detail taken care of (so you don’t have to). All of our adventures are ‘put-away-your-wallet’ events once you land at the starting point - everything is included.

  • Peak experiences that will give you heavy dose of rejuvenation, connection, limit-pushing, excitement and joy - and energize you to push through whatever blocks you’re encountering

  • Peer-to-peer learning sessions on business and life with people at the top of their game

  • Small-group forums where you can share your biggest challenges and get valuable feedback on how to solve them

  • Opportunities to connect meaningfully (and stay connected) with incredible like-minded people who will support and push you to your next level of business and life success

  • Ongoing opportunities to connect with our larger alumni network of 70+ entrepreneurs from around the world, via our private online groups and frequent events (from dinners to weekend events around North America)


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Frequently Asked Questions

How crazy and/or fit do I need to be to take part in the adventure activities at your events?

You don’t have to be a crazy adrenaline junkie or a triathlete to take part in our events. For the adventure activities we typically break into smaller groups of 6-8 people, organized by adventure level (from mild to wild). You can choose which level to participate at on any given day.

You can expect to be gently pushed out of your comfort zone from time to time, but our goal is not to freak you out or scare the s@#$ out of you, and every effort is continually made to ensure your safety.

That said, you’re not interested in always playing it safe, are you?

What does the cost of your events include?

Our Adventures and Retreats now include membership in the Wayfinders community (a $2495 CAD value), which includes a year’s worth of programming (workshops, connection calls, get-togethers, monthly challenges and more)

With Adventures and Retreats, you have to get to the starting point (usually an airport, where we pick you up), but once you arrive you can put away your wallet until you’re back at the airport at the conclusion of the event. Everything is typically covered - lodging, meals, activities, drinks, internal flights, and more - with the exception of your drinks tab, tips for staff, and souvenirs.

Are your Adventures and Retreats safe?

Any true adventure comes with an element of risk or it wouldn’t be an adventure. That said, all of our adventure activities are led by experienced, certified professional guides in small groups, with no more than 6-8 people per guide.

What else happens at a Wayfinders event?

A Wayfinders event isn’t all go-go-go adventure all the time. We take plenty of time for relaxed meals, and each day has at least a couple of hours of downtime so you can continue a conversation with someone you’ve made a connection with, catch up on work if needed, or just chill out and enjoy the amazing surroundings.

Is it a big party vibe?

We like to have fun, but we keep the partying reasonable (until the last night, of course). There are plenty of opportunities to party, but when else will you have the opportunity to have crazy adventures, learn from, and connect with incredible entrepreneurs from around the world?

For that reason, we keep alcohol consumption moderate by closing down the bar at 10:30 pm every night (except for the last night of course!). We want you to feel your best the next day and get maximum value from our itineraries.

Do you have wifi access at your events?

Yes, although keep in mind that our events often take place in very remote places and the speed of the wifi is often not what you might describe as ‘fast’.

Because the whole point of our events is to foster connections between people in a super-fun, organic way, we often limit wifi access to 1 hour before breakfast and during the downtime portion of each day (usually about 2 hours). This should give you enough time to stay in touch with your team and provide any assistance they need while ensuring you stay focused on being present and connected with the other participants.

Can I bring my partner/kids?

Sorry, unless your partner is also an entrepreneur, he/she can’t join you, nor can your kids. Bringing your family along means you’ll be constantly pulled between wanting to hang out and build connections with other entrepreneurs and spending time with your family.

Leave your family at home and come back alive, refreshed, and ready to be an even better partner/parent.



My Promise To You

Join me and our community for a Wayfinders journey and I promise you’ll have the opportunity to partake in travel and adventure experiences that will rank among your life highlights.

I promise you’ll also have the opportunity to connect with incredible, generous and amazing entrepreneurs from around the world, and to be part of our amazing community.

I promise you these two things will play a significant part in your journey toward greater success, fulfilment, and joy.


I just set the stage. You are the actor.

For you to truly experience the life-changing value of our events and our community, you have to answer the call. You have to embrace the unknown and take the leap. You have to drop the mask and drop the armour and trust that the outcome will be amazing.

If you’re ready to answer the call, get started by viewing our upcoming Adventures and Retreats and then submit an application.



Mike Brcic, founder,

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