Wayfinders: MONGOLIA 2025

Oct. 8-18, 2025


Wayfinders MONGOLIA - 2025

From an organization already pushing the limits of what’s possible with travel, adventure, and personal development comes our boldest, wildest event yet - in one of the most remote regions of the planet.

This will be unlike any event or any adventure we’ve ever hosted.

Prepare to be stretched - physically, emotionally, spiritually - like never before.

Prepare to come out the other side a different person, more in tune with your wild heart and innermost rhythms, in conversation with your soul and with a roadmap to finding deep alignment in your work and relationships.

Prepare to emerge from this journey with your perspective on life forever shifted.

Prepare to forge deep connections with an incredible community of entrepreneurs, with a close-knit group of people who will support you, hold you accountable, and walk the human journey with you for years to come.





A Wayfinders adventure is so much more than a trip or a travel experience or an adventure. It is all of that, but it is also the start of a journey: one of connection, community, self-exploration and growth, and the most meaningful adventure you can possibly undertake.

Wayfinders operates on a yearlong community-based model. You will be joining and committing to an incredible community of entrepreneurs and a yearlong journey, with preparation leading up to our adventure in Mongolia, and integration and connection afterward.

Some of what’s in store before and after Mongolia:

  • Free membership in the Wayfinders community (a $1995 value)

  • Free access to The Entrepreneur’s Compass, our signature business coaching program (a $3995 value)

  • Regular community get-togethers in Southern Ontario, such as dinners, experiences and events, and online get-togethers

  • Physical, emotional and spiritual training to prepare us for Mongolia

  • Workshops and ongoing series on topics related to business and personal development

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • Connection to an incredible and supportive community of entrepreneurs

  • Perspective and mindset shifts via the Wayfinders process

  • Deep clarity on your life and how to live it in full alignment and authenticity

  • Ongoing support before, during and after the event to help you live your best life.

  • 8 days of the most badass adventure on the planet

 The wayfinders mongolia experience



This is our wildest and most unique event ever.

At Wayfinders: Mongolia we will be living with a group of Mongolian nomads in remote western Mongolia, near the Kazakhstan and Xingian (China) borders, and following them on their fall migration to their winter grounds.

This region, near the famed Altai mountains, is surrounded by spectacular peaks, rushing rivers, massive vistas and some of the wildest wilderness on Earth. It’s a place to discover your soul and let it soar.

We’ll live directly among the nomads, sleeping in deluxe bell tents and eating and meeting in comfortable gers (yurts). We’ll accompany them on their eagle-hunting excursions (hunting with eagles, not for them), help them tend to their animals, learn their language, and laugh, cry and enjoy life with this unique group of people.

We’ll also enjoy myriad adventures, from scaling surrounding peaks to exploring rivers and remote valleys.

We’ll spend the first few days in their summer camp, then accompany them on their migration to their winter grounds. We’ll experience life in much the same manner their ancestors have for thousands of years.

Prepare to experience adventure, connection and immersion into the grand mystery of life on a level you’ve never experienced before.



The Wayfinders Model of Change

Our model uses the three Cs of:

  • Community

  • Challenge

  • Culture

What you get as a result is deep connection: to yourself, to others, to the natural world, and to something much bigger.



You’ll experience community on a level you’ve never experienced before, with connections to an incredible community of successful entrepreneurs and amazing humans.


It’s only by stretching our boundaries - physical, emotional, spiritual and more - that we learn what we are truly capable of. We push you into your stretch zone, but never your panic zone.


You’ll immerse deeply with other cultures that offer incredible lessons on living a meaningful and harmonious life, taking home valuable lessons and perspective shifts.


Learning and Connecting


Learning AND Connection

Learning and Connection are at the heart of a Wayfinders experience.

Learning experiences are structured for maximum benefit and clarity, through facilitation with experienced facilitators.

Connection with your fellow entrepreneurs happens via facilitated experiences, shared adventures, downtime, and deep conversations.


Small-group forums: You’ll be placed in a forum/Moai with 3 of your fellow entrepreneurs. Over the course of the Moai sessions, you’ll have the opportunity to share and get feedback on some of your biggest life and business challenges (and opportunities).

Group exercises: Led by Mike, a facilitator with over 10 years of facilitation experience, and Justin Telfer, a therapist, facilitator and wilderness guide with over 20 years of experience, our group exercises are designed to help you go inward, reflect, and uncover the blocks that are keeping you from living your most authentic and fulfilling life.

Connection exercises: Facilitated exercises to help you experience human connection on a level which you may never experience in your day-to-day life.


In groups of 4 called Moais, you’ll share your biggest life and business challenges and benefit from the wisdom of a wicked-smart peer group.


Go inward via exercises designed and facilitated by Mike and Justin, to help you discover the path toward your most authentic and fulfilling life.


Facilitated, structured exercises that help you go deep fast, and develop intimate connections with an incredible group of your peers.






At Wayfinders: Mongolia we will have very unique ‘glamping’ (or as glamping as you can get in western Mongolia) accommodations in gers (yurts) and bell tents.

Sleeping quarters will be in 5m Bell Tents, outfitted with 2 beds (single tents are available), comfortable bedding, dressers, heaters, lights and more. They are quite comfortable and warm.

Our eating and meeting quarters will be in large, traditional Mongolian gers (yurts). We’ll be living much like the Mongolian nomads do.

Default lodging is 2/tent (the tents are spacious and comfortable), however you can pay a single upgrade to receive your own tent.

Details and Logistics 

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Once you sign up you’ll be given a detailed checklist outlining everything you need to prepare for our journey, including dates and flight details.

In February of 2025, you will be sent calendar invites to some of the events and get-togethers leading up to our journey to Mongolia (some online, some in-person).

Important Dates


Jan. - Dec. 2025: membership in the Wayfinders community is included with Wayfinders Mongolia.


  • Oct. 7, 2023: Suggested arrival in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

  • Oct. 8: Group dinner in Ulaanbaatar

  • Oct. 9: flight to western Mongolia, start of Wayfinders: Mongolia

  • Oct. 17: flight back to Ulaanbaatar

  • Oct. 18: suggested flight home

PLEASE NOTE: As this Adventure is almost 2 years away, we are basing the schedule on AeroMongolia’s current flight schedule. This may change so you need to have a couple of days of buffer on either end. In late 2024 we should be able to finalize the schedule and send you final dates.


Your Investment

Your investment in Wayfinders: Mongolia (and yourself) can be made via one of the two following options (CAD pricing is also available):

  • Deposit of $1995 USD, then 12 payments of $895 starting in 6 months

  • $10995 USD upfront payment

Your investment includes invites to many events, get-togethers and workshops leading up to and after our time in Mongolia.

You can also purchase a single-tent upgrade at a cost of $1200 USD (default is 2/tent). This includes 2-3 nights of single rooming at our hotel in Ulaanbaatar (1-2 nights before we fly to western Mongolia and 1 night after our return to Ulaanbaatar).

PLEASE NOTE: We have based the cost of this event on the most accurate estimates we can get for our own costs for 2025. As costs can change significantly (e.g. flight costs), we ask that you be prepared to pay a ‘cost overrun’ charge of up to $400 USD in case of significant cost increases on our end. We hope that this won’t be necessary (and don’t expect it to be), but we need to be mindful of our own costs and business model.


  • This is a journey to one of the most remote parts of the planet. We will be staying in tents and gers (yurts) and living a rustic nomadic life. Adjust expectations accordingly - this is not a 5-star resort vacation.

  • This is a true adventure, not some Instagram-friendly version of ‘adventure’. You will be tired, you will be cold, you may often be exhausted or freezing at times. That is the price to pay for true adventure so if you want comfort, sign up for a package tour.

  • When we travel to western Mongolia we will be fully off-grid for up to 8 days - no data, no wifi, no emails - just beautiful and full presence.

  • We will have a satellite phone for emergencies and we will send you the numbers so that your family can reach you if needed (we will also send a daily update to a Whatsapp group we set up for loved ones back home).

  • You will have opportunities for rest and relaxation, and we have a large support staff, but you are also expected, from time to time, to contribute to camp/nomadic life. This is a shared, group experience and your contribution is needed.



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A few words and images from our Mongolia 2023 participants:


To reserve your spot for Wayfinders Mongolia 2025, please email Mike for the booking link (if you know each other and/or have received an invitation), or submit an application.