We’re all just walking each other home.
— Ram Dass

2024 adventureS ARE sold out.


 Are You a Wayfinder?

The term wayfinding comes from a system of navigation used for thousands of years by Polynesians to make seemingly impossible long voyages across thousands of miles of open ocean using only the natural world and their own senses and knowledge as their guide.

At Wayfinders, we host spectacular adventures for entrepreneurs in some of the wildest places on Earth: connection and community-based experiences with challenging activities, introspective exercises, and immersion in ancient cultures to help you on your own wayfinding journey.

We are a lasting, powerful community of people bound by deep connections and a desire to pursue their most authentic life and highest purpose.

You’re a Wayfinder if you’re…

  • …an entrepreneur who has achieved financial success but are looking to see what’s next

  • …looking for a supportive tribe of fellow seekers and badasses

  • …no longer motivated solely by scaling your business

  • …relentlessly pursuing your own personal growth

  • … someone who wants to live an extraordinary life

  • …into bold adventure