ALIGNED: A New Start

Last year I wrote a book.

A whole damn book. I surprised even myself.

I started in March, committed myself to writing half an hour every morning, and by early September I had my first draft. I spent the rest of the year doing some initial editing until I was happy with the (semi)-final product.

It was a firsthand account of the gut-wrenching process of taking my company from near-bankruptcy to removing myself from the day-to-day of the company, to finally selling it in February of 2019 - along with all of the systems and tools I used that allowed me to step almost completely out of the business.

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[ALIGNED]: An Introduction

This is the first post in my [ALIGNED] series; in this 4-part, 16-post series, I share the story - along with all of the tactics and tools that I used along the way - of how I managed to almost completely remove myself from a complex, 7-figure business that operated in over 45 countries, with 50+ staff (I sold this company in Feb. 2019, an outcome that was significantly helped by the systems I put in place to let it run without me).

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[ALIGNED]: A Blog Series For Entrepreneurs

[ALIGNED] is a blog series devoted to sharing the tools and systems I used to create a self-managing company that ran almost completely without me (and thrived). Those systems also helped me to significantly increase the value of the company when I sold it in Feb. 2019.

I’ve helped dozens of entrepreneurs implement this system into their businesses, with an average workload reduction of almost 60% (while revenues either stayed constant or grew).

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How To Meet and Connect With Other Entrepreneurs

How To Meet and Connect With Other Entrepreneurs

I’ve been an entrepreneur for a looong time. 22+ years in fact. So long that I can’t possibly imagine any other way of being, and I hope I never have to.

I’ve gotten used to the freedom of being an entrepreneur, and calling my own shots and setting my own schedule. I’ve also had to get used to a lot of hardship along the way. Much of that hardship was self-imposed because of my own isolation.

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Why I Created "Another" Entrepreneur Retreat Company

There are a s!@$load of entrepreneur-focused events and retreats out there...

Baby Bathwater, Archangel Summit (& Masters), Mastermind Talks, Summit, Two12, the list goes on and on. If you want to go somewhere for a few days, hang out with other entrepreneurs and company founders, learn a thing or two, and connect with some great people, you have no shortage of amazing options.

I've attended a lot of these events and I always get massive value out of going. Surrounding myself with people who think big and who think about being more successful - on all levels - causes me to up my own game.

So why the hell would I start a business in this space (with Mastermind Adventures last year)?

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Mike BrcicComment
The Four Hour Work Week... For Real

WARNING: This article is over 6500 words long. Proceed at your own risk... but it might just change your life.

Since its initial publication in 2007, Tim Ferriss' The Four Hour Workweek has been translated into 35 languages and has sold over 1.3M copies.

It's spawned a generation of acolytes and devotees, and it catapulted Tim to entrepreneurial fame.

I'm a big fan of the book, and since first reading it in 2010, I've gone on to read it twice more.

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