An alternative to The Hamster Wheel

Feeling disconnected from your work and uninspired.

An overwhelming to-do list that keeps getting longer.

A rollercoaster of financial stress.

Any of these sound familiar?

If you’ve been an entrepreneur for a few years or more, I’m guessing at least one of the above resonates, perhaps all three.

And here’s the worst part: the ‘solution’ you’ve been sold - hustling, scaling and growing - is actually the problem.

I’ve been an entrepreneur for 27 years and I dealt with all of the above for much of my entrepreneurial career, often all of them simultaneously, for months and years on end.

Then 7 years ago I decided I’d had enough. I completely redesigned my previous business so that it could run on just a few hours of my time each week. I eventually sold it and started Wayfinders with a totally different goal and approach: to run a business that serves me rather than the other way around, a business that is deeply aligned with my core, is easy to run, and is profitable and financially stress-free.

What’s wrong with scale?

Let’s dig into these issues and examine how the typical ‘roadmap’ to success (scaling your business) typically leaves you feeling even more lost.

We entrepreneurs are told, repeatedly, that our mission - as entrepreneurs - is to scale and grow. This message has been repeated so often and so many times that it’s become accepted dogma: scale is just what ‘entrepreneurs do.’

So what happens when you are experiencing one or more of the issues above and follow the typical roadmap for ‘success’ by scaling your business and pushing growth?

Scale often makes the problem(s) worse. Let’s take a look…

Feeling disconnected: You’ve lost the sense of passion, excitement and purpose that you had when you first started your business.

If you’re feeling disconnected and uninspired, scaling your business typically leaves you feeling even more disconnected and uninspired: you have less direct contact with the customers you’re serving (hence less connection to purpose), and you spend less time delivering the product or service and more time managing the people and demands of the business.

How inspiring does writing a shareholder report or sending a cap table update to the OSC sound?

An uninspiring, overwhelming to-do list: Your day-to-day to-do list is always getting bigger, and many of the tasks you’re working on are uninteresting, don’t spark any joy in you, and/or don’t provide much value to the business.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed, your scaling business will require more people, more customers, and more work. Without the right systems and processes in place, you just end up having an even longer to-do list, usually with a bunch of work you don’t like, and more and more meetings.

Financial stress: Your business is on a constant financial rollercoaster. Cash flow is all over the map, with frequent and stressful cash shortages, and little long-term predictability.

If your cash flow is chaotic and financially stressful, scaling your business more often than not results in your growing expenses outpacing your growing revenue, and bigger cashflow swings, with the result being even more financial stress and cashflow shortages.

Now, let me be clear… I have nothing against scale itself. When done properly, scaling a business can be a beautiful thing.

The problem lies in believing scale to be a ‘cure-all’ prescription for business problems, when most of the time it is not.

Scale is, of course, a necessary thing at a certain stage in a business’s lifecycle: you need to grow a business to a point where it will sustain you and pay you and your employees a living wage.

Here’s the other thing with scale: if you’re not totally clear on why you’re scaling your business, you’ll set arbitrary goals - e.g. 10X in 3 years, or $5M in revenue, or $100M, or 50% annual growth sound familiar?) - but achieving those goals will often burn you out in the process, and even if you hit them, you’ll enjoy a day or two of feeling good about yourself before setting the next goal.

The process just repeats and you never really feel satisfied or content, kind of like eating a carb-and MSG-heavy meal that leaves you hungry 20 minutes later.

A Different Way:


I believe there’s a different approach to running a business, one that isn’t simply focused on scale. It’s a systematic approach that results in a business that is Aligned, Appealing, Easy, and Profitable.

This is The Entrepreneur’s Compass, a ‘wayfinding’ approach that orients your business in a direction that is much more fulfilling and satisfying. It gets you off the hamster wheel of constant growth and allows you to actually enjoy your business and your life, without the feeling of always needing more.

With all of these elements in place, and your Compass in hand, you can - if you want - put your foot on the gas and scale the s@#$ out of your business: 10x your revenue, raise VC money, hire lots of people, etc.

You can scale, but you don’t have to, because running your business feels good and fulfilling. You won’t feel the need to set arbitrary growth goals to address the hollow feeling inside because your business serves you and your soul. Scale then becomes a conscious choice rather than an automatic instinct that may not serve you or get you what you want in the end.

About me (Mike Brcic)


I’ve been an entrepreneur for 27+ years, since starting my first business (the world’s “#1 mountain bike adventure company”), in 1996 (I sold it in 2019).

I was the Dean of Social Entrepreneurship at the world-renowned Centre for Social Innovation, and Entrepreneur-in-Residence at the Toronto Public Library (North America’s largest library system).

Between those two positions, years of private coaching, and workshops with the Adventure Travel and Trade Association, I’ve coached over a thousand entrepreneurs from all over North America and the world.


I’ve learned a few things along the way, mostly through some hard lessons (my previous company almost went bankrupt twice). I’ve done and have experienced almost everything there is to do and experience in the world of entrepreneurship, good and bad.

I believe there is a different, more fulfilling approach to entrepreneurship - different from the same ‘scale, hustle, repeat’ crap that is repeated ad nauseum to every entrepreneur no matter what stage they’re at.

I’m also a husband and a father of three incredible kids. I live in Toronto and travel the world with Wayfinders. I ride my bike a lot, I ski, I play guitar and drums when I can, and I love writing and meditating. Ram Dass, Charles Eisenstein, and Krista Tippett are 3 of my favourite teachers.


Here’s what you can expect* with this program and exactly how we’ll get there.

(*scroll to the bottom to read about my incredible Guarantee!)


OUTCOME: Your business is a natural extension of who you are, aligned with your values, your skills and your passion. Your customers and your staff reflect that deep alignment.

Here’s how we’ll do it (click on the plus sign to expand each section and learn more about the various elements of the program):

  • PROCESS: We’ll help you (re)connect with and get super clear on your why, and reignite your sense of purpose, which helps you access deep wells of motivation and energy.

    OUTCOME: You’re connected with the deeper why of your work - it’s not just a way to pay the bills.

  • PROCESS: We’ll help you identify the aspects (and potential aspects) of your work that light you up and provide the most value to your company and your customers (and identify the ones that do the opposite).

    OUTCOME: You’re 100% clear on the work tasks that light you up and are aligned with your values, skills and passion, and, conversely, the tasks that drain you and don’t feel aligned (then we’ll use our FADE framework to help you focus on the former and stop doing the latter).

  • PROCESS: Through a process of self-inquiry and various exercises, we’ll help you get clear on the gifts you bring to the world: **the skills, talents and passions that make you uniquely you** and that constitute your beautiful reason for being on this wonderful planet.

    OUTCOME: You’re 100% clear on your gifts and have a plan for how to bring them into the world (which includes, but is not limited to, your company and primary means of income).


OUTCOME: Your business is a laser-focused magnet, attracting ideal, high-value customers who love your offer, get huge value from your products and services, and are easy and fun to work with.

Here’s how we’ll do it:

  • PROCESS: We help you get clear on who your most aligned and best customers are and develop clear positioning and messaging that speaks powerfully to them. We’ll help you clarify your values and vision so that you attract staff who align with them.

    OUTCOME: You work exclusively with customers and staff that are aligned with your values, your skills and your passion, and it’s a joy to work with them

  • PROCESS: We’ll put your products and services through the Irresistible Offers process, helping you make an offer your Dream Client can’t refuse by speaking directly to their dream outcome, increasing the perceived likelihood of achieving it with you, and decreasing the perceived friction, effort and sacrifice required to get their dream outcome.

    OUTCOME: Your ‘Offer’ - how you position your products and services to your Dream Client - is like a mafia proposal, an ‘offer they can’t refuse’ (minus the coercion and violence but with all of the effectiveness).

  • PROCESS: We’ll use the Value Optimizer process to uncover exactly what it is that your customers are seeking. We’ll hone in their needs and tweak your product so that it speaks directly to the value they’re looking for. We’ll trim the fat from your product/service offerings so that your offerings are laser-focused.

    OUTCOME: Your products and services are laser-focused on your customers’ biggest needs, which creates high demand and high profit when targeted at your Dream Customer.


OUTCOME: Your business is easy to run and doesn’t overwhelm you. It relies on systems and processes to function smoothly - not on you. You have lots of time for the things you love. When you work, you work on tasks that create huge value and that light you up.

Here’s how we’ll do it:

  • PROCESS: We’ll show you how to use AI and other tools to make the process of building your company Playbooks super easy.

    OUTCOME: Everything that happens in your business is documented in a clear, easy-to-follow Playbook (Standard Operating Procedure database) that ensures the smooth operation of your business, reduces friction, and enables your business to run without you.

  • OUTCOME: Your ‘dinner plate’ (your work tasks) are focused almost exclusively on work that you enjoy, that delivers huge value to your company and customers, and provides you with seemingly limitless energy rather than draining you.

    PROCESS: We’ll use the FADE (Freelance, Automate, Delegate, Eliminate) framework to develop a plan and process for gradually cleaning off your work plate, in a way that ensures work gets done well, at maximum cost efficiency, and doesn’t come back to you. You’ll learn how to freelance and delegate tasks the right way, so that they get done right and don’t end up back on your plate.

  • PROCESS: Working with our virtual placement partners, you’ll learn how to hire and beautifully onboard a part-time or full-time assistant. You have an onboarding process to bring them into the fold quickly and easily.

    OUTCOME: You’ve hired and onboarded an incredible virtual assistant* to handle the work you hate doing: responding to emails, booking meetings, admin stuff, and more. The result is pure magic, allowing you to focus your time on tasks that create huge value to your company and provide you the greatest joy and alignment.

    *If you already have a VA, you’ll learn some tips, tricks and tools to make working with them even easier and more effective


OUTCOME: Your business is a profit-generating machine, with consistently positive cash flow. You look ahead and have a clear picture of your financial picture up to a year in advance, allowing you to make better business decisions and sleep better at night. Financial stress is a thing of the past.

  • PROCESS: With our help, you’ll examine your business model like a CFO, getting a clear picture of your costs, your gross and net margins, your operating expenses, and how they all operate together. You’ll understand key financial ratios and how to make them work for you so that your business model is aligned around profit.

    OUTCOME: Your business is like a brick house with a rock-solid financial foundation reaching deep down into the ground. No one can huff and puff and blow your house down!

  • PROCESS: You’ll run your products and services through the Perfect Pricing Process to discover how your pricing can better align with your Brick House financial model, so that your business is consistently profitable and cash-flow positive.

    OUTCOME: Your pricing is perfectly tuned to appeal to your Dream Clients and supports a high-margin, high-profit business model. You offer payment options that address your clients’ needs and desires while supporting your profit and cash flow goals.

  • PROCESS: Using our advanced Crystal Ball cash flow template, built in Airtable, we’ll help you build a 12-month cash flow projection that actually works, even for the most unpredictable of businesses.

    OUTCOME: You have a cash flow projection that works and allows you to look 12 months ahead to see what your cash position looks like into the future, allowing you to sleep better and night and make better financial decisions because you’ve taken the guesswork out of your predictions.


Many of the elements I’ve outlined above may be familiar to you. You’ve probably heard other people talk about the need for Playbooks, or have attended workshops to help you craft an appealing offer.

What you get when you join The Entrepreneur’s Compass is not a whole bunch of new, confusing information.

Most of the content is familiar, but what you’re paying for and getting is a holistic system whose pieces work together beautifully, a roadmap for implementation, and accountability through the program structure and connection with your peers.

The program is designed to be easy, with an hourlong call every other week, and manageable ‘homework’ of about 1-2 hours a week max: homework that is designed to save you many more hours than you invest and generate massive ROI.

You'll get effective coaching, but you’ll get accountability and support in a cohort group with 3-4 other entrepreneurs. You’ll get the coaching and tools you need while also benefiting from the collective wisdom, feedback and accountability of your cohort.

The small groups are designed to meet monthly for an hour or two, but the timing, frequency and structure of your cohort is ultimately up to your group.

What you get

Here's what you'll get with The Entrepreneur’s Compass, which kicks off Jan. 10, 2024:

  1. Biweekly coaching calls (starting Jan. 2024, 15 calls over 30 weeks): a 60-minute call every other week, outlining, in bite-sized, easily implementable pieces that build on each other, the full Entrepreneur Compass system.
    (Coaching calls will take place every other Wednesday at 2pm, EST, starting Jan. 10, 2024. All calls will be recorded.)

  2. Office Hours: Alternating with the biweekly coaching calls, I’ll host drop-in office hours during which anyone can drop in and ask questions and get feedback.
    (Office Hours calls will take place every other Wednesday at 2pm, EST, starting Jan. 17, 2024)

  3. Peer groups: Any coaching program is only as good as your ability to implement and execute. We’ll place you in a small-group accountability and support cohort with 3 or 4 other members - that meets monthly - so that you can benefit from the collective wisdom, support and accountability of your peers to help you implement the systems, tools, and frameworks, and be a sounding board for your challenges (NOTE: joining a peer group is optional but highly recommended).

  4. Tools and resources to help you implement systems that will decrease your weekly hours worked and make your business run smoothly so that you have more time to do the things you love with the people you love. You'll get access to tools such as The Issues Buster, The Execution Mastery framework, and more to automate your business, delegate tasks, and streamline your workflows so that you can focus on what really matters – living a fulfilling life.

  5. Membership in our exclusive Wayfinders Community, where you can connect with other like-minded entrepreneurs and get additional support, encouragement, and accountability while having a s@#$load of fun along the way. You'll have a community of people who understand your struggles, and who can offer you what you need when you need it most - see below.

The Investment

I’ve priced this program at a level that is very affordable compared to similar coaching programs but still compensates me fairly for my time and for the knowledge I’ve gleaned over 27+ years of entrepreneurship.

Although there isn’t really anything out there with quite the same approach to entrepreneurship and coaching, programs of this nature often cost 3x to 10x as much, and most lack any sort of guarantee.

I believe in and stand behind my coaching and I know you’ll get massive value from this program, worth many times your investment (scroll down to read about my Guarantee).

There are two investment options:

1) Upfront payment of $2995 CAD (save $1000 by signing up before Dec. 08)

2) 6 monthly payments of $599 CAD (save $150/month by signing up before Dec. 08)

This is not a business expense, it’s an investment in yourself and your business, an investment that will pay off massively in terms of greater alignment, more passion, fewer hours worked, and less financial stress.

If you participate fully and do the work, I know you will see big results, and I back that up with an incredible guarantee (scroll down to find out more).

Frequently Asked Questions

  • It could be a waste of your time. But only if you don’t implement the tools and strategies or show up to coaching sessions. If you do that, I KNOW you will get results. I’ve coaching hundreds of entrepreneurs with these tools and when they do the work, they get the results. I believe in this system so much I offer you a crazy guarantee (see below)

  • Here’s the big difference: most coaching programs focus on the information and the tools. The Entrepreneur’s Compass creates a framework of peer support and accountability to help you actually implement and execute, and massively increase your expected results.

  • The frameworks and tools I share are foundational and work for almost any type of business and industry, whether it be a sole proprietorship or business with many employees.

    The sweet spot is a company in the $250K to $2.5M range because at that point you have a few employees but might not have good frameworks to keep things from getting overwhelming, and things can get pretty messy pretty fast.

    Sole proprietors will also benefit as you will have the right framework and systems to allow you to hire people (and I will show you how to make your first hire in a way that doesn’t overwhelm your finances).

  • Yes, although $250K to $2.5M is the sweet spot where I provide the most value, founders who run companies that are larger or smaller will still experience massive benefits.

    NOTE: Companies that are much larger will probably need additional strategies and tools that aren’t part of the program.

  • Absolutely not. But the commitment is manageable (2-3 hours/month) and your peer group will provide you with massive value, in terms of both support and accountability.

  • Participation in the program gives you access to the Wayfinders community and all of our events - including get-togethers, connection calls, learning Summits, and more. But it’s all optional and you can attend where you feel drawn or opt out entirely.

  • All of the coaching sessions will be recorded so you can watch them at your leisure if you have to miss a session or two. But the sessions are designed to be interactive and there is lots of benefit in attending so you should ensure you attend as many as you can.

  • The Office Hours calls are AMA (Ask Me Anything) calls, where I’ll offer up my 27 years of entrepreneurial experience and 10+ years of coaching wisdom, and give you feedback on your particular challenges.

  • Afraid not. My results, and my guarantee, are predicated on you actually doing the work and implementing the tools.

    Missing the odd session or two and watching a call replay is fine, but not attending every session means you miss too many opportunities to ask questions, get clarity on your specific challenges, and interact with other participants.

Not ready to apply just yet? Enter your email address below to get on my mailing list and I’ll email you when the program opens (you’ll still need to apply) and/or notify you when I open future cohorts for the program.


For those who make the wise decision to journey with us through the Entrepreur Compass, we have something special for you. I understand that the journey of entrepreneurship can be lonely - I’ve been there. That's why, included with your spot in the program, you’ll get FREE membership in the Wayfinders Community.

This isn't just a membership. This is a world of connection and possibility, valued at $1995 CAD.

You’ll have lots of opportunities to connect to, learn from, and grow with an exceptional community of fellow entrepreneurs:

  • Monthly Gatherings and Outings: get-togethers and adventures in the Toronto area, from dinners to picnics, kayaking/biking/hiking excursions and more

  • Quarterly learning summits with incredible speakers and facilitators, based on our 4 Pillars:

    • Wellness and Wellbeing

    • Love and Relationships

    • Inner Work and Inquiry

    • Work and Calling

  • Monthly Connection Calls for all members: 60-minute monthly calls design to forge and deepen connections among members

  • Quarterly Challenges: fitness challenges, meditation challenges, journaling and more

  • Duo Dialogues: monthly opportunities to connect 1:1 with another member over curated, deep conversations

  • Access to our connection channels, including Signal groups on various topics and our community platform, where you can see upcoming events, browse and connect with other members, post in our forums and more


Summon The Village: Don’t carry burdens alone.

Seek to Serve: Look for opportunities to help others.

Embrace The Unknown: Go out on a limb - that’s where the fruit is!

Drop The Mask: The real you is welcome here.

Have Fun And Be a Little Ridiculous: Life is too important to be taken seriously.

Look Within: All the answers are already inside.

Wayfinders: Patagonia (2018)

Wayfinders: Patagonia (2018)

Who is the Entrepreneur’s compass for?

This program is not for everyone. You’re an ideal fit if you’re:

  • Leading a company with $250K to $2.5M in annual revenue*

  • Read to commit to attending our biweekly 1-hour coaching calls (Wednesdays from 2-3 pm EST)

  • Coachable, and ready to put in 1 to 2 hours a week towards the work

  • Ready to honestly answer tough questions about why your company is not where you would like it to be and your own role in creating those conditions, and ready to make change

  • Not a lone wolf: you understand the value of community and are willing and enthusiastic about joining and contributing to a community of your peers

*Those leading smaller or larger companies are welcome to apply and participate in the program, but the $250K to $2.5M range is the sweet spot where participants will get the most value.

In their words

The same dedication to value and impact that I put into my Adventures is what I’ll put into this program. Have a listen to some of the entrepreneurs that have attended my international Adventures in the past, many of whom will be taking part in the Compass program.

Join us, and you'll be in the company of the best:

MY Guarantee

Those of you that have joined me on a Wayfinders Adventure know that I put my full heart and soul into the design and delivery of my events. This program is no different.

I feel so confident in the value of The Entrepreneur’s Compass program (and the Community membership) that I’m offering you this ridiculous guarantee:

If you don’t experience the following* by the conclusion of the program…

  • At least a 5x financial return on your investment (i.e. increased profitability equal to 3x the investment in membership)

  • At least a 25% decrease in your working hours

…I’ll refund every dollar of your investment

That’s how much I believe in what I’m going to deliver and what I’ll offer you. I’ve used these tools and I’ve followed these practices, with hundreds of people, and I know they work.

In addition, you can attend the first 4 sessions and if, after those first 4 sessions, you don’t feel the program is a good fit, just let me know and I’ll refund all of your investment.

(*This is contingent, of course, on you actually implementing the tools and strategies)

Wayfinders: Amazon 2021

Around the world humankind shares a deep and resonant yearning for connection with the cosmos, with spirituality, community and the planet. We’re all going somewhere. We can feel that. We just don’t want to make the journey alone—and we never have.
— Richard Wagamese, One Drum

When You’re Ready

Life is too short to settle for mediocrity. It's time to embark on your journey. Take the step today and secure your spot (I’m only opening 40 spots for this program).

Click on the Apply button below, complete the short application, and I’ll follow up when the program opens for registration in November 2023.


Mike Brcic

Not ready to apply just yet? Enter your email address below to get on my mailing list and I can email you when the program opens (you’ll still need to apply) and/or notify you when I open future cohorts for the program.